Enable PXE Error Logging for Deployment Solution 8.x and later
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Enable PXE Error Logging for Deployment Solution 8.x and later


Article ID: 181594


Updated On:


Deployment Solution


 What are the steps for enabling PXE error logging during deployments?


Deployment Solution 8.x


By default, error logs are disabled.  This is because the logs will continue to grow until turned off.

In order to enable logging during deployments follow these steps:

  1. In the console, open: Settings > Deployment > NBS General Settings
  2. Scroll down to the Logging section and click the down arrow. (see attachment)
  3. Check "Enable Logging" and put the level of logging needed.
  4. Save Changes.

Logging Levels from 1 to 15:

  1. Error
  2. Warning
  3. Error & Warning
  4. Information
  5. Error & Information
  6. Warning & Information
  7. Error & Warning & Information
  8. Debug
  9. Error & Debug
  10. Warning & Debug
  11. Error & Warning & Debug
  12. Information & Debug
  13. Error & Information & Debug
  14. Warning & Information & Debug
  15. (or 255) All Logging Levels

Debugging levels are only needed in extreme cases.

Both Log files can be found here: %\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Deployment\SBS

  • sbsLog_PXE.txt
  • sbsLog_Tftp.txt

*Be sure to disable Logging when done troubleshooting to prevent files from filling up the Hard Drive.


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