Where are the Symantec Installation Manager and Symantec Management Platform 8.x log files stored?
Symantec Installation Manager and Symantec Management Platform 8.x log files are stored in the "C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs" folder.
Changes were made for this requirement in the SMP 7.1 SP2 release.
Changes Made:
Logs path now are changeable via registry: "FilePath" key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\eXpress\Event
Added functionality:
1) Path to Logs can be changed via the registry key. Changes will be applied after all services are restarted. The recommended way to change path values is:
1) Stop all Altiris services and the "World Wide Web Publishing" service.
2) change registry values
3) start all Altiris services and "World Wide Web Publishing" Service
2) Default values for event log ([CommonAppDataFolder]Symantec\SMP\Logs) now are hard-coded in MSI file.
3) All hard-coded values with path to event log folder are replaced with properties from NS.Installation.ProductConfiguration.
4) Logs folders will be created on first call to properties in NS.Installation.ProductConfiguration.
5) If the folder for logs can not be created then entry with error will be added into Windows Application log.
6) Installation - default value for event logs should be placed into the registry.
7) Upgrade (In-Box)/Repair - old values should be migrated from previous version.
8) NS core working logs should be placed into the right place (specified in registry).
See also:
HOWTO45753 "Where is the CoreSettings.config file for Symantec Management Platform 7.1 stored?"
HOWTO45754 "Where are the event queues (EvtQueue, EvtQFast, etc) for Symantec Management Platform 7.1 located?"
HOWTO45755 "Where is the Replication folder for Symantec Management Platform 7.1 located?"