What are the steps to manually uninstall the Symantec Management Agent (formerly known as the Altiris agent)?
ITMS 8.x
The executable needed can be found at C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent
1. To remove the Symantec Management Agent AND the plugins, run:
"AexNSAgent.exe" /uninstall
AeXAgentUtil.exe /clean
Both commands have the same result.
Note: This command will remove all sub-agents and attempt to cleanly remove the Symantec Management Agent from the drive. If for some reason the Symantec Management Agent was not installed to the default location (../Program Files/Altiris/Altiris Agent), the /clean switch can cause damage to your system files. The Notification Server agent uninstall will delete items from the installed directory it is in (that is, \Program Files\Altiris), if the agent gets installed to the root of the C drive, it will delete the contents under the root. If you are not sure if the Symantec Management Agent is located in the correct directory, only use /uninstallagents switch. Delete the following Program files if still present: C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent.
2. Delete the following registry keys if still present:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Altiris > Altiris Agent
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Altiris > eXpress ***Do not delete this key if you are removing the agent from the Notification Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Classes > All sub items beginning with Altiris.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Classes > AppID > {5E038245-CF81-44BE-8018-9A2981B9DC9B}
3. Search in the Windows directory %WINDIR% using the string AeX* and delete any files that are found.