AeXNSC Command Line Arguments
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AeXNSC Command Line Arguments


Article ID: 179495


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IT Management Suite


What are the command line options for installing the Altiris Agent (aexnsc.exe) and how are they used?


ITMS 8.x


AeXNSC Command Line Arguments 

Silent mode for the package to extract the files for the Notification Server Client installation setup.
-a arguments
Specifies the arguments to be passed to the Notification Server Client installation setup.
Specifies the Notification Server that the Notification Server Client connects to.
Specifies the Notification Server Web that the Notification Server Client connects to. This is optional. By default, it is "http://NSName/AeXNS".
Specifies the folder where the Notification Server Client is installed.
Specifies that no start menu item will be installed for the Notification Server Client.
Specifies that the Notification Server Client will not show tray icon on initial startup.
Specifies that the installation will prompt for rebooting the managed computer if needed. If this switch is not specified, the installation will not prompt or attempt to reboot the managed computer.
preconfig Specifies that the Notification Server client should attempt to retrieve the proxy settings from the managed computer.  If proxy settings are retrievable, they will be copied to "Proxy Server" and "Proxy Port" registry values under the HKLM\Software\Altiris\Communications registry key
Specifies that the Notification Server Client will be uninstalled from the managed computer. This is a silent uninstall. You can create a job to send this down to the Notification Server Clients you want to uninstall.

This is particularly useful when you have installed the Notification Server Client using the /NOADDREMOVE argument.
Specifies that the Notification Server Client will not be added to Add or Remove Programs. If this switch is set, there are only three ways to remove the Notification Server Client from the managed computer:
  • Run AeXNSC with the /remove argument.
  • Reinstall the Notification Server Client on the managed computer.
  • Add a registry value to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{92F2A534-C3E4-4B18-BEBD-329F5E848C8B}
    DisplayName = "Altiris eXpress NS Client"
Note: For Windows 2000, when the NOADDREMOVE argument is used, the Notification Server Client still appears in Add or Remove Programs, but the remove option is disabled.
Silent mode for the Notification Server Client installation setup.
/reinstall (6.0 SP3)
Specifies that the Altiris Agent can be installed on a computer with Altiris Agent already installed.