Task Server Port Bindings won't change
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Task Server Port Bindings won't change


Article ID: 177074


Updated On:


Task Server


When changing the Task Server port bindings on the Settings page (Settings | Notification Server | Site Server Settings, then expand on the left: Site Management\Site Server Settings\Task Service\Settings and select Task Service Settings), the new ports don't bind, leaving either some unbound ports or the product bound to the wrong/old ports.


ITMS 8.x


There are a few possibilities for why this may be happening:

  1. Changes being changed but not saved in the Console.
  2. The changes are not being correctly applied to the Services.
  3. The services are not being restarted to accept the changes to the port(s).


There are some workarounds that can be appl to this situation, and Development is researching why the changes are not automatic.

To resolve the first scenario, make sure that "Automatically restart services when configuration changes" is checked on the Task Service Settings Page, and be sure to save your changes. If you would not like to have the services automatically restart, then the three listed services (Object Host Service, Client Task Data Loader, World Wide Web Publishing) will need to be restarted manually.

To resolve scenarios 2 and 3, using the following steps should change the ports:

  1. Go to the Task Server Settings Page and change the ports.
  2. Click 'Save changes' to apply these settings.
  3. When the page reloads, verify that the changed ports are preserved.
  4. Update the Configuration on the Local Agent (located on the NS machine)
  5. Restart the 'Altiris Service' (service name 'AeXSvc').
  6. The port will take a few moments to bind to the new port.

To verify the bound ports have changed, open a command prompt and run 'netstat -an' to display bound ports.