The DLP agent install fails and the installAgent.log shows an error registering one of the .dll files.
Product: AgentInstall-x64_15_5 -- Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files\Manufacturer\Endpoint Agent\fomc64.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147024703. Contact your support personnel.
DLP Endpoint Agent 15.7.x and 15.8.x
One of the dependencies for the .dll file are not available therefore the .dll can not register.
There are two ways to approach the solution to this issue. The first method is to just reinstall / repair the C++ redistributable. If that does not work then the second method is to use a third party utility named Dependency Walker to find the specific missing dependency then reinstall / repair the relevant application.
Method 1: Reinstall / Repair C++ Redistributable
Most Known agent dependencies come install with the Windows OS with the exception of the C++ redistributable. These will need to be reinstalled or repaired. The follow is instructions on how to repair them.
If the issue persists then try method 2.
Method 2: Using Dependency Walker To Find Missing Dependencies
This utility is designed to help find the dependencies for .dll files. It will also show if the dependencies are missing or not registered correctly.