Fiddler does not work when WSSA is installed
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Fiddler does not work when WSSA is installed


Article ID: 172812


Updated On: 04-28-2023


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Trying to use Fiddler to capture traffic with WSSA enabled, but it is not able to see any traffic.


Cloud Secure Web Gateway


Fiddler and WSSA are both competing for the role of system proxy and use of the loopback traffic and that is what's causing Fiddler to not function.

This could happen with any other application also using the loopback address to act as a proxy.


To allow WSSA and Fiddler to work simultaneously, you will need to add the loopback address to the bypass list in the Cloud SWG portal.

  1. Navigate to Connectivity > Under Setup and Configuration > Select Bypassed Traffic
  2. Under Bypassed IPs/Subnets add the address

Note: Adding to the bypass list will cause user traffic to be sent through the system's 'non-interactive' tunnel, so user-based or group-based rules will not be enforced. Therefore, this should only be a temporary solution.
Note: Adding a new entry to the bypass list will cause all WSSA clients to reconnect to WSS.