Software Delivery Installing or Upgrading software fails with exit code 1619
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Software Delivery Installing or Upgrading software fails with exit code 1619


Article ID: 172628


Updated On: 04-05-2022


Software Management Solution


When attempting to upgrade or install software using Software Management (Delivery) the task or policy fails with exit code 1619.


This is caused by msiexec being unable to locate the referenced MSI file.


Two possible issues:

  1. The MSI named in the command-line is mispelled or incorrectly named. For example:
    • msiexec /i agentinstall_x64.msi (incorrect)
    • msiexec /i agentinstall.msi (correct)
  2. The path referenced in the command-line is incorrect. For example the root of the package contains a folder, and the folder is not referenced in the command-line. For example:
    1. msiexec /i agentinstall.msi (incorrect)
    2. Agent\msiexec /i agentinstall.msi (correct)