Create the Oracle Database on Linux for Data Loss Prevention
Article ID: 172345
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Data Loss Prevention Endpoint PreventData Loss Prevention Network Prevent for EmailData Loss Prevention for MobileData Loss Prevention EnforceData Loss Prevention Network Protect
This article assumes you have already installed Oracle per one the Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Oracle Implementation Guides:
* If you installed Oracle into a different location, substitute the correct directory in this command.
Note: You may want to add these commands to your user profile configuration so that the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are defined each time you log in. See your Linux documentation for details about setting environment variables.
Navigate to /tmp/oracle_install where you extracted the <Version>_64_bit_Installation_Tools.tar.gz file.
Copy the database template file (Oracle_<Version>_Template_for_<version>_Lnx.dbt) to the $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates directory.
At the command prompt, execute the following command:
Follow these guidelines to create acceptable passwords
Passwords cannot contain more than 30 characters.
Passwords cannot contain double quotation marks, commas, or backslashes.
Avoid using the & character.
Passwords are case-sensitive by default. You can change the case sensitivity through an Oracle configuration setting.
If your password uses special characters other than _, #, or $, or if your password begins with a number, you must enclose the password in double quotes when you configure it.
The Database Configuration Assistant displays a Confirmation window with a summary of the database configuration.
Click OK on the Confirmation window to create the database.
The database creation can take up to 20 minutes to complete. If the database creation process fails or hangs, check the Oracle Database Configuration
Assistant logs (located in the $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/dbca/SID directory) for errors (for example, /opt/oracle/product/<Version>/db_1/cfgtoollogs/dbca/protect).
Click OK.
Create the TNS Listener
*Note: To use the commands referenced in this procedure, ensure that your working directory is $ORACLE_HOME/bin. If SQL*Plus does not work while following this procedure, set your $PATH variable to point to $ORACLE_HOME/bin.
As the Oracle user, start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant:
On the Welcome panel, select Listener configuration and click Next.
On the Listener Configuration, Listener panel, select Add and click Next.
On the Listener Configuration, Listener Name panel, enter a listener name and click Next.
*Note: Use the default listener name, LISTENER, unless you must use a different name.
On the Listener Configuration, Select Protocols panel, select the TCP protocol and click Next.
On the Listener Configuration, TCP/IP Protocol panel, select Use the standard port number of 1521 and click Next.
On the Listener Configuration, More Listeners? panel, select No and click Next.
On the Listener Configuration Done panel, click Next.
Configure the Local Net Service Name in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.
Oracle Database <version> Release <Version> - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release <Version> - Production
CORE <Version>.0 Production
TNS for Linux: Version <Version> - Production
NLSRTL Version <Version> – Production
Exit SQL*Plus:
SQL> exit
Perform the following procedure to create an Oracle user account and name it “protect”
Copy the oracle_create_user.sql file from /tmp/oracle_install to a local directory.
Open a command prompt as the Oracle user and go to the directory where you copied the oracle_create_user.sql file.
Start SQL*Plus:
sqlplus /nolog
Run the oracle_create_user.sql script:
SQL> @oracle_create_user.sql
At the Please enter the password for sys user prompt, enter the password for the SYS user.
At the Please enter sid prompt, enter protect.
At the Please enter required username to be created prompt, enter protect.
At the Please enter a password for the new username prompt, enter a new password.
Follow these guidelines to create acceptable passwords:
Passwords cannot contain more than 30 characters.
Passwords cannot contain double quotation marks, commas, or backslashes.
Avoid using the & character.
Passwords are case-sensitive by default. You can change the case sensitivity through an Oracle configuration setting.
If your password uses special characters other than _, #, or $, or if your password begins with a number, you must enclose the password in double quotes when you configure it.
Store the password in a secure location for future use. You will need this password to install Symantec Data Loss Prevention.
If you need to change the password after you install Symantec Data Loss Prevention, see the Symantec Data Loss Prevention Administration Guide for instructions.
To configure automatic startup and shutdown of the database, follow this procedure
Switch to the root xterm window.
Go to the oracle_install directory.
cd /tmp/oracle_install
Run the script from the oracle_install directory.
Verify that the script completed successfully by checking if the very last line ofthe output is:
dbora 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
*You may see errors before the last line (for example, cannot access /var/log/dbora). You can ignore these errors.