Where Can You Find the IT Management Application Identity?
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Where Can You Find the IT Management Application Identity?


Article ID: 172322


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IT Management Suite


You need to find out or verify what your IT Management Application Identity (AppID) account is. This is the account that many Altiris services on the Notification Server run as, including:

  • Altiris Service
  • Altiris Client Message Dispatcher
  • Altiris Event Engine
  • Altiris Event Receiver
  • Altiris File Receiver
  • Altiris Inventory Rule Management Service
  • Altiris Support Service


ITMS 8.x


There are two ways to verify your current IT Management Application Identity account.

Using the Symantec Management Console:

In the Symantec Management Console go to Settings>Notification Server>Notification Server Settings as shown here:

You will find the current Application Identity in the "Account" field, highlighted in yellow above. The Application Identity account is presented using the following format: <domain name>\<username>.

Using the Symantec Installation Manager (SIM):

Launch the Symantec Installation Manager and click on "Configure Settings", then click on "Configure NS Settings" and then on the "Next" button. You will see the following:

You will find the current Application Identity in the "User name" field, highlighted in yellow above.

Caution: If you need to change the Application Identity or its password, please reference: 156852 "How to Change the Application Identity Account Password"