Find all tables that contain a specific GUID
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Find all tables that contain a specific GUID


Article ID: 171823


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


The following SQL script will traverse an Altiris database and find all tables in which a specified GUID appears. It reports both the table and the column. The only requirement is to change the value of the guid being searched (Under the line that reads "Enter Search Guid here").

Note: An additional script (Text Search all Tables.sql) has been attached that will search for a given string in the database, if the desired item to search for is not a GUID.

This article replaces the original HOWTO1191.



    Last Revision: 3 August 2012

set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

/* Declare variables */
declare @strSql nvarchar(max),
    @searchguid uniqueidentifier,
    @lowrow smallint,
    @SrchEvtTables bit,
    @SrchCharTypes bit,
    @SrchTextTypes bit,
    @CharTypeColName varchar(200)

/* Enter Search Guid here */
set  @searchguid = ltrim(rtrim('3e71856b-aadb-48d8-8264-0b36d1aac224'))

/* Search Event Tables: If you wish to disable searching the event tables then set
   @SrchEvtTables to 0.  This option was added since the event tables can get quite large
   and many of the guid columns in them are not indexed. Disabling this will speed up the
   query in such cases (at the cost of not searching those tables).
   (Enabled: 1, Disabled: 0) */
set @SrchEvtTables = 1

/* Search Character Type Columns: There are some columns in the database that hold GUIDs,
   but the column is not a uniqueidentifier type (they have the GUID as a character string
   instead).  If you want to search character column types (char, nchar, varchar, and
   nvarchar) then you must set the @SrchCharTypes value to 1.  
   Additionally, you can use the @CharTypeColName variable to specify a string that the
   name of the column is LIKE.  For example, if you want to search the [ProgramId] column
   in the SWDAdvertisement table (which is a nvarchar(50)) then you would SET the
   @CharTypeColName = 'ProgramId' (or = '%Id' if you want to search for columns named
   'ProgramId' or 'Guid') */
set @SrchCharTypes = 1
set @CharTypeColName = lower('%id')

/* Search text and ntext type columns: These columns are designed to hold lots that may inlcude the guid as part of it.
   Warrning: Searching text and ntext fields will significantly slow down the search process and put extra load on SQL.
   To search text and ntext fields for the guid then set @SrchTextTypes to 1 */
set @SrchTextTypes = 0

/* Table variable to hold all columns that have a GUID name or uniqueidentifier type.  
Holds an ID value (for looping), the table name and  the column type as well. */
declare @TablesToBeSearched table
    RowId smallint identity(1,1),
    TableName varchar(255),
    ColName varchar(128),
    IsGuidType bit,
    SQLQuery nvarchar(255)

/* Get meta data for columns and tables that are uniqueidentifiers */
insert into @TablesToBeSearched
select [TABLE_NAME],
    'from [' + [TABLE_NAME] + '] where [' + [COLUMN_NAME] + '] = ''' + cast(@searchguid as varchar(38)) + ''''
    select isc.[TABLE_NAME],
        1 [IsGuidType],
            when substring(isc.[TABLE_NAME], 1, 4) = 'Evt_'
                then 1
            else 0
        end [IsEventTable]
        inner join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ist
            on isc.[TABLE_NAME] = ist.[TABLE_NAME]
    where isc.[DATA_TYPE] = 'uniqueidentifier'
        and ist.[TABLE_TYPE] = 'BASE TABLE'
) t1
where [IsEventTable] = 0
    or ([IsEventTable] = 1 and @SrchEvtTables = 1)

/* If @SrchCharTypes is 1 then get meta data for character type columns as well. */
if (@SrchCharTypes = 1)
    insert into @TablesToBeSearched
    select [TABLE_NAME],
        'from [' + [TABLE_NAME] + '] where lower([' + [COLUMN_NAME] + ']) like ''%' + lower(cast(@searchguid as varchar(38))) + '%'''  
        select isc.[TABLE_NAME],
            0 [IsGuidType],
                when substring(isc.[TABLE_NAME], 1, 4) = 'Evt_'
                    then 1
                else 0
            end [IsEventTable]
            join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ist
                on isc.[TABLE_NAME] = ist.[TABLE_NAME]
        where isc.[DATA_TYPE] in
            and lower(ltrim(rtrim(isc.[COLUMN_NAME]))) like ltrim(rtrim(@CharTypeColName))
            and ist.[TABLE_TYPE] = 'BASE TABLE'
            and isc.[CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH] >= 38
    ) t1
    where [IsEventTable] = 0
        or ( [IsEventTable] = 1 and @SrchEvtTables = 1)  

    If @SrchTextTypes is 1 then get meta data for text and ntext type columns.
if @SrchTextTypes  = 1
    insert into @TablesToBeSearched
    select [TABLE_NAME],
        'from [' + [TABLE_NAME] + '] where lower(cast([' + [COLUMN_NAME] + '] as nvarchar(max))) like ''%' + CAST(@searchguid AS varchar(38)) + '%'''
        select isc.[TABLE_NAME],
            null [IsGuidType],
                when substring(isc.[TABLE_NAME], 1, 4) = 'Evt_'
                    then 1
                else 0
            end [IsEventTable]
            join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ist
                on isc.[TABLE_NAME] = ist.[TABLE_NAME]
        where isc.[DATA_TYPE] in ('text', 'ntext')
            and ist.[TABLE_TYPE] = 'BASE TABLE'
    ) t1
    where [IsEventTable] = 0
        or ( [IsEventTable] = 1 and @SrchEvtTables = 1)

    Drop Temp table being used if it exists
if (object_id('tempdb..#Found') is not null)
    drop table #Found

    Temp table that will hold # of rows where guid was found in each table
create table #Found (RowId smallint, RowsFound int)

    Search uniqueidentifier columns 15 at a time, insert counts into #Found table
set @lowrow = 0

while (@lowrow < (select max(RowId) from @TablesToBeSearched where IsGuidType is not null))
    set @strSql = null

    select @strSql = coalesce(@strSql + ' union all select ', 'insert into #Found
        select ') + '''' + cast(ttbs.[RowId] as varchar(10)) + ''' [id], count(*) [cnt] ' + ttbs.SQLQuery
    from @TablesToBeSearched ttbs
    where ttbs.[RowId] between @lowrow + 1 and @lowrow + 15
        and (IsGuidType = 1 or @SrchCharTypes = 1)
    set @lowrow = @lowrow + 15

set @lowrow = (select max(RowId) from @TablesToBeSearched where IsGuidType is not null)

    If @SrchCharTypes is 1 Search character columns as well, insert counts into #Found table
if (@SrchTextTypes  = 1)
    while (@lowrow < (select max(RowId) from @TablesToBeSearched where IsGuidType is null))
        set @strSql = null

        select @strSql = coalesce(@strSql + ' union all select ', 'insert into #Found
            select ') + '''' + cast(ttbs.[RowId] as varchar(10)) + ''' [id]
            , count(*) [cnt] ' + ttbs.SQLQuery
        from @TablesToBeSearched ttbs
        where ttbs.[RowId] between @lowrow + 1 and @lowrow + 1
            and ttbs.[IsGuidType] is null
        set @lowrow = @lowrow + 1

    Select tables, columns, and rows found where rowsfound > 0
select distinct ttbs.[TableName],
    'select * ' + ttbs.SQLQuery
from #Found f
    join @TablesToBeSearched ttbs
        on f.[RowId] = ttbs.[RowId]
where RowsFound > 0

drop table #Found


Text Search all Tables (1).sql get_app