Upgrading Reporter from Management Center is failing. The bcsi file has been uploaded to Symantec Management Center but when trying to download the file from Reporter it's failing with an error, "Download Failed (connection error or malformed URL)".
By default, when the upgrade file is hosted on Management Center and URL will be https://<Management_Center_FQDN>:8082/path
However, for the upgrade of the Reporter to work, it needs to be on port 8080 using the IP (not the FQDN) of the Management Center. Also, the Reporter and Management Center cannot be using a Proxy while doing the upgrade.
#reporter installed-systems add http://<management_center_IP:8082/fs/download/<file_name>
Download Failed (connection error or malformed URL)
By default, HTTP (port 8080) is disabled on Management Center since the release of the 1.7.x code.
Management Center (config)# security http enable
Management Center (config)# security http view
HTTP Access is enabled
If an HTTP Proxy is enabled to get out to the internet, it is required to disable that while doing the upgrade of the Reporter.
Management Center (config)# proxy-settings disable
Next, upload the image file to Management Center and edit the download URL and port of the hosted file.
Example URL:
Then Change the URL: https > http and port from 8082 > 8080. Also change the URL to IP address and not a hostname or FQDN, to eliminate any DNS issues as well.
Example URL with changes:
You can test the modified URL with http 8080 directly in your browser, to verify whether the file can be downloaded from the Management Center.
If a Proxy is enabled in Reporter, it will be required to disable the http-proxy temporarily in configure mode because the connection to Management Center will fail through the Proxy.
Reporter (config)# proxy-settings disable
Reporter# reporter installed-systems add http://<management_center_IP>:8080/fs/download/xxx
Management Center (config)# security http disable
(config)# proxy-settings enable