How do I disable HTTP persistence on the ProxySG?
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How do I disable HTTP persistence on the ProxySG?


Article ID: 166078


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


By default TCP connections are persistent for HTTP traffic. 


You can disable persistent TCP connections for HTTP traffic two ways:

Disable persistent connections through the CLI for client HTTP connections:

sg-prompt> en

sg-prompt# conf t

sg-prompt# (config) http no persistent client <cr>

and for server HTTP connections:

sg-prompt# (config) http no persistent server <cr>

(Note: remove the "no" from the commands above to enable persistent connections)


Disable persistent connections using policy:

Example1: Disabling Client Persistent Connections

<proxy> http.client.persistence(no)


Example2: Disabling Server Persistent Connections

<proxy> http.server.persistence(no)

(Note: change the (no) to (yes) to enable persistent connections)


Be aware that the configuration changes through the CLI affect all connections.  Using policy you can be more specific on how persistent connections are used.

In most cases, disabling persistent connections globally is not necessary.