You are experiencing one or more of the following issues on Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) clients:
From Windows Event Viewer > Application log, you may see the following errors:
This problem can happen when the database files used to store information and settings for the SEP client BASH engine are unusable by the BASH engine, and the SEP client's automatic remediation process fails to repair them. Corruption of these file may be triggered by unavailability or instability of system resources.
To determine if you are experiencing this issue, check the file size on the BASHOpts.dat and BASHOpts.000. By default these files 7.83 KB in size for SEP 14 and 8.69 KB for 14.3 RU4 (Location - C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\BASH). If you observe inconsistencies in these files, typically the files will be undersized, or the files could be close to the default size, but the beginning of the file is preceded with whitespace.
To replace corrupt files with good
If you have more than a few machines that are affected by this issue, contact Symantec Technical Support.