How to enable and disable debug logs for Symantec VIP Access Client / Desktop
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How to enable and disable debug logs for Symantec VIP Access Client / Desktop


Article ID: 164452


Updated On: 03-17-2022


VIP Service




VIP Access for desktop log file locations:

(Upload the following logs to your Broadcom VIP support case)

  • Installation logs:

%temp%\VIPSetup.log (created by the MSI installer with installation details)
%temp%\VIPAccessSetupWrapper.log (created by setup.exe. Contains error codes from IPT, the MSI Installer, and the MSI install wrapper, etc)
%temp%\log.lue (created by the LiveUpdate component of VIP Access Desktop)

*To access the %temp% folder, open Windows File Explorer, then type %temp% in the address bar.

On macOS, the logs will be in ~/Library/Logs/VIPAccess.log. Some older installations, or installations that have been upgraded, may have the logs under /private/var/log/vipaccess.log. To access this location, enter the path in the Finder menu under Go > Go to Folder.

  • Running logs (enable debugging prior to gathering):

(example: C:\Users\JohnDoe\AppData\LocalLow\Symantec\VIPAccessClient)

Where to enable and gather debugging logs: 

**Before proceeding, please create a backup of the Windows Registry ( The following registry modifications will change the logging level of VIP Access Desktop, and should be used for troubleshooting purposes:

  1. Close the VIP Access app.
  2. Open an administrator command prompt, then type net stop "vipappservice"
  3. Open the Windows Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symantec\VIP Access Client\DebugLevel. Set the value to 3.
    • “DebugLevel"=dword:00000001 – Errors only (default)
    • “DebugLevel"=dword:00000002 – Info and Errors
    • “DebugLevel"=dword:00000003 – Debug, Info, and Errors
    • “DebugLevel"=dword:00000000 – Disable Logs
  4. If You're troubleshooting VIP Access launch issues, a reboot is required at this point to reset the services. Otherwise, open an administrator command prompt, then type net start "vipappservice"

  5. Launch the VIP Access app. Accept the license (if prompted).
  6. Allow the credential ID to generate, followed by 2 consecutive security codes. If the app won't get to that point, proceed to the next step. 
  7. Gather the logs from the following directory:%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Symantec\VIPAccessClient\.  
  8. When the issue is resolved, set the debug level logging back to 1 by following these same steps. 
