Error starting Windows after deploying image
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Error starting Windows after deploying image


Article ID: 163968


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Ghost Solution Suite


You have deployed a Sysprepped image using Ghost 3.X, the imaging job completes but there is a Windows error when it reboots. 


You may be using a Lenovo laptop.


For Lenovo and some other types of machines running Windows 10 it is necessary to run Ghost with some command line switches. These switches should be used on both creation and distribution of a disk image. Be sure you are running the most current version before attempting these steps. 

Standard Tools

If you are using Standard Tools for imaging, you should edit your boot disk configuration so when ghost launches it will launch with the correct switches.

Launch Boot Disk Creator

Click "Go to interface" if the startup window appears. 

Expand your configuration, then click startup.bat

Edit the final line, it should look like this:

start ghost64.exe -IB -NTEXACT -NTIL -NTIC -NTC- -NOTRIM

Click Save, then rebuild your boot disk.

When you use that boot disk to launch Ghost,it will start using those command line switches. Recapture your disk image, then deploy it again.

Ghost Solution Suite Console

Launch the Ghost Solution Suite console

Click on the imaging job, then click on the imaging task, click Modify

Click in the Additional parameters field, go to the end of the line.

Add the command line switches to the end of the additional parameters:


Use the modified Create Disk Image job to capture a new disk image. These switches should also be used on the Distribute Disk Image job.