The Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) returned scan errors on some or all files.
Entries like the following appear in the UI on the Detailed report or when using logconverter.exe to transform *.log files to human readable format:
Wed Jul 13 21:13:43 Pacific Daylight Time 2016, The Symantec Protection Engine has encountered a scan error, Event Severity Level = Error, Scanner = Generic, Result ID = 34, Symantec Protection Engine IP address = x.x.x.x, Symantec Protection Engine Port number = 1344, Uptime (in seconds) = 31097
Misconfigured quarantine server settings in Protection Engine
or from command line:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Scan Engine" #for a default installation otherwise update with your install folder
./xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantineFiles/@value false policy.xml
./xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantineThreats/@value false policy.xml
or from the command line:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Scan Engine" #for a default installation otherwise update with your install folder
xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantineFiles/@value false policy.xml #A value of true quarantines when a scan error or container violation is detected
xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantineThreats/@value true policy.xml #A value of true quarantines virus and other other threats
xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantineIP/@value "x.x.x.x" policy.xml #replace "x.x.x.x" with the host name or IP of the Quarantine server
xmlmodifier.exe -s /policies/AntiVirus/QuarantinePort/@value "xxxx" policy.xml #replace "xxxx" with the port specified in the Quarantine server settings