Configuring Agent Connection Status "Not Reporting" after
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Configuring Agent Connection Status "Not Reporting" after


Article ID: 161961


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Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Enforce displays Agent as "Not Reporting" if it hasn't checked in to an Endpoint Server during a set interval.  The user wants to change this interval setting.

No error message.


The agent is either offline, or has not checked-in to the Endpoint server since reaching the reporting timeout interval.  General network communication issues could also result in loss of connectivity.


To configure the agent connection status:

  1. Go to Enforce System > Settings > General
  2. Click Configure.
  3. Locate the Agent Connection Status Configuration area - ‘Show Agent as "Not Reporting" after’
  4. Enter hours and minutes to specify how much time passes before an agent displays as not reporting.
  5. Save your changes.

Settings you make on this screen apply to all registered Endpoint Servers. The minimum value you can enter is 5 minutes, up to a maximum value of 9999 hours and 59 minutes. The default value is 18 hours.

Best practice for the "Agents not reporting after" interval is 18 - 72 hours.

Note: The setting you enter should be greater than the agent polling interval (default of 15 minutes - 900 seconds):

(See: System > Agents > Agent Configuration > Advanced agent settings to configure this value.)

Refer to the official guide: 

DLP 16.0.1 Configuring the agent connection status
DLP 16.0 Configuring the agent connection status
DLP 15.8 Configuring the agent connection status

Additional Information

You may want to review: Article ID: 170468 DLP Agent status not reporting as expected on Enforce