You would like to make changes to the retry notification schedule and the total retry time for emails that cannot be delivered on the first attempt.
By default, the Email service sends no retry notifications and mail fails after 7 days of retrying. You can reconfigure the retry schedule to send retry notices indicating the mail is delayed as well as adjusting the amount of time before the email finally fails.
Please note that the actual retry schedule cannot be adjusted. The retry schedule can be found in the following article: Retry Intervals in Email
Log into the ClientNet portal and browse to Services > Platform
Here you will find a heading 'Delivery Status Notifications'. Click on this and you will see the below screen.
Note in the above example that the entries are blank and the mail is set to bounce after 7 days. This is the default setting and the schedule for this is laid out here: Retry Intervals in Email
Also, note that the notification schedule is separated into both inbound and outbound email so you can customise these separately.
In the text boxes for you need to enter the hours at which you would like your notifications to be sent separated by a comma. You may put up to 50 notifications.
If you do not wish us to retry delivery for the default of 7 days you can specify here when you would like us to make our last delivery attempt by choosing to bounce the email after x number of days (up to 8) and hours using the drop downs.
*Also note that in the top right corner you can adjust this on a global level or a per domain level.
Note: Please make sure to consider potential effects of the retry schedule change, such as any mail server downtime and the frequency of retry notifications.