Change the hostname or ip address of the Enforce server
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Change the hostname or ip address of the Enforce server


Article ID: 159958


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


There is a need to change the hostname or IP address of the existing Enforce server.



If only the Enforce is installed on the server, these are the steps to change its hostname:

  1. Stop the Enforce services 
  2. Rename the physical name of the Enforce server
  3. Reboot the Enforce server

Be sure the Enforce, Oracle and Detection servers can ping the new Enforce hostname / IP address.

If the Oracle database and the Enforce are installed on the same server, these are the steps to change its hostname:

  1. Take the entire Vontu system down
  2. Stop the Oracle services
  3. Make sure \oracle\product\<version>\db_1\network\admin\listener.ora (and tnsnames.ora) have the correct new hostname / address
  4. Update the Hostname / IP Address of the Oracle/Enforce server
  5. Reboot the Oracle/Enforce server.

Be sure the Oracle/Enforce and Detection servers can ping the new hostname / ip address.