How to enable verbose logging in Symantec Protection Engine
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How to enable verbose logging in Symantec Protection Engine


Article ID: 159007


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for NAS


How to enable Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) verbose logging.


One of the following is installed:

  • SPE 8.2 / 9.0


  1. Open a terminal or commandline with administrative rights.
  2. Change directory to SPE's program directory (adjust path if not installed at default location)
    • Windows: cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine"
    • Linux: cd /opt/SYMCScan/bin
  3. If you plan on reverting the change, take note of the current loglevel:
    • Windows: .\xmlmodifier.exe -q //configuration/Logging/LogLocal/@loglevel configuration.xml
    • Linux: ./xmlmodifier -q //configuration/Logging/LogLocal/@loglevel configuration.xml
  4. Set log level to Verbose:
    • Windows: .\xmlmodifier.exe -s //configuration/Logging/LogLocal/@loglevel 5 configuration.xml
    • Linux: ./xmlmodifier -s //configuration/Logging/LogLocal/@loglevel 5 configuration.xml
  5. Restart the symcscan service.
    • Windows:
      • net stop symcscan
      • net start symcscan
    • Linux:
      • systemctl stop symcscan
      • systemctl start symcscan

Note: To revert, follow these steps, but replace the 5 in step 3 with your value from step 2.


Additional Information

These changes affect the information that is logged to the *.log files in the log directory.

If performing these steps to troubleshoot an issue or at the request of Technical Support, reproduce the issue and then collect files with the format SSEYYYYMMDD.* from the log directory located in the SPE installation directory.