How do I remove inactive elements?
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How do I remove inactive elements?


Article ID: 15856


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


When adding and removing monitoring profiles from collections you can end up with large amounts of inactive components/elements.

How do I remove inactive elements and components? 


Release: 3.7,21.2,21.2


There is  a script to remove inactive elements and components from the database shipped with CA Performance Management

Instructions to run the script.

1. cd /opt/IMDataAggregator/scripts

2. Run the sctipt in test mode to see what will be removed(example): 

a) Versions 20.2.x and earlier:

./ -test -inactive <DA_HOST_NAME> 

b) A) Versions 21.2.1 and later

./ -test -inactive  <url to delete from>

 <url to delete from> should include the protocol, hostname, and port, example:


In a default installation the protocol will be http and the port 8581

3. Run script without test flag to remove components(example).

a) Versions 20.2.x and earlier:

./ -inactive <DA_HOST_NAME>

b) A) Versions 21.2.1 and later

./ -inactive <url to delete from>

 <url to delete from> should include the protocol, hostname, and port, example:


In a default installation the protocol will be http and the port 8581

Additional Information

Run the script with no arguments to see the usage.