Control Compliance Suite
You would like to track all of the commands that occur in an agentless connection to a Unix\Linux asset.
You need to troubleshoot what is happening with a check.
CCS 12.6.x
In order to view the commands a log file needs to be created. Registry keys need to be added on the CCS Manager to produce this file.
A log file called BvCUProductCommands.log will be created in the following folder: %ProgramData%\Symantec.CSM\Logs\CCSManager\DCInfra (The location could differ depending on the installation Directory)
Note that the majority of the commands data will still be stored in the BvCURDCCore.log and BvCUWinRDCCore.log.
WARNING: Always backup the registry prior to making any changes.
Registry keys to change\create on the CCS Manager having UNIX data collection role:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BindView\bv-Control\UNIXShared\Logger\] .......If the path is not already created, create the Key path manually.
In the Logger key folder, create a new entry as REG_DWORD called "LogCommands"
Set the value equal to 1
In the Logger key folder, create a new entry as REG_DWORD called "LogLevel"
Set the value to FF (HEX)
You will need to restart the CCS Manager and the DPS service for this to take effect.
NOTE: The attached file UNIXShared_Logger Keys.txt can also be used to import the required settings into the CCS Manager Registry. See the attached document for screenshots and instructions on using this file.