Scan Engine/Symantec Protection Engine is logging many errors such as "Decomposer Result ID = 26"
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Scan Engine/Symantec Protection Engine is logging many errors such as "Decomposer Result ID = 26"


Article ID: 156444


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Scan Engine AntiVirus for Caching Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for NAS


Scan Engine/Symantec Protection Engine ("Scan Engine") is logging many "Decomposer Result ID = 26" errors.



There is more than one possible cause of Decomposer 26 errors

  • The in-memory file system was exhausted.
  • Insufficient physical memory resources on the server.



To confirm physical memory resources 

  • On Windows, at the cmd prompt, type:
    systeminfo | find "Memory"

  • On Linux, type:


To adjust the In-Memory file system settings: 

  1. Log in to the Protection Engine web UI. 
  2. Navigate to the Configuration - Resources page
  3. Adjust one of the settings for in-memory setting
    1. Increase the Maximum RAM used for in-memory files system.  
      1. Increase by increments of 256 MB at a time.
      2. Can be set to a maximum of 2048 MB for systems with more than 4GB of RAM.
    2. Decrease the Maximum file size stored within the in-memory file system
      1. Decrease the file size by increments of 5 MB.
      2. If one file consistently causes the error, make the setting smaller than the size in bytes of that file. 
      3. Zero disables in-memory scanning.


If above steps don't resolve the issue, run Perfmon while reproducing the problem:

Windows 2008

  1. Save the attached file SSE_PerfMon_Win2k8.xml to your local drive.
  2. On the taskbar click Start Run.
  3. In Open box, type:

  4. Click OK. A window named "Reliability and Performance Monitor" appears.
  5. In the left pane expand Data Collector Sets.
  6. Click User Defined.
  7. On the menu at the top, click Action New > Data Collector Set. A wizard called "Create new Data Collector Set" appears.
  8. Give the new data collector set a descriptive name, such as SPE and leave the default at Create from a template (recommended) then click Next.
  9. On the "Which template would you like to use?" page, click Browse... .
  10. Navigate to the SSE_PerfMon_Win2k8.xml file, select it, and click Open.
  11. If you'd like to save to a different drive, click Next and enter the preferred file path under the Root directory box and click Ok. Otherwise, click Finish.
  12. Now what should be visible is the following: Reliability and Performance -> Data Collector Sets -> User Defined view with a new counter named SPE.
  13. Right click the SPE log counter and click Start.






SSE_PerfMon_Win2k8.xml get_app