Are there any links between Endevor and CICS TS?
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Are there any links between Endevor and CICS TS?


Article ID: 15574


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


A Data Center will be installing CICS TS 5.3 and need to know if there are any links between Endevor and CICS?
Is Endevor compatible with CICS TS 5.3?  
Is there any compatibility maintenance required?


Endevor itself does not use CICS and has no dependencies on CICS.
No compatibility maintenance is required.
However, any Processors used to compile or assemble CICS programs will have to be updated to the new CICS libraries e.g.
 - Do the CICS libraries have a version number in them or are the names generic and Alias'ed to a specific version?
 - Are Site Symbolics for CICS library names being used and if so will the Site Symbolic table need to be updated?