Overview of how to move the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager from one machine to another
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Overview of how to move the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager from one machine to another


Article ID: 153133


Updated On: 08-03-2022


Endpoint Protection


You want to know how to move the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) from one machine to another.


There are two methods for moving the SEPM from one machine to another:

Method 1: if the SEPM server keeps the same IP and host name, you can refer to Disaster recovery best practices for Endpoint Protection (broadcom.com)

Method 2: if the new SEPM server has a different IP and host name, there are two alternatives:

1. Use replication to install a new SEPM and keep the policy the same with old SEPM. See Move Endpoint Protection Manager to another server without breaking client communications or losing data (broadcom.com)

2. Install a new SEPM, then use the Sylink file to establish communication between the new SEPM and the existng SEP client. Please see the document Restoring client-server communications with Communication Update Package Deployment (broadcom.com)