Troubleshooting and diagnosing VIP Enterprise Gateway connectivity issues with VIPdiagnostics
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Troubleshooting and diagnosing VIP Enterprise Gateway connectivity issues with VIPdiagnostics


Article ID: 150186


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VIP Service


Troubleshooting and diagnosing VIP Enterprise Gateway connectivity issues with VIPdiagnostics tool. 


VIP Enterprise Gateway


The vipdiagnostic utility is a troubleshooting and diagnostic utility included with VIP Enterprise Gateway 9.8.x and later.

  1. On the Enterprise Gateway server, open an elevated (admin) command prompt. 
  2. Browse to the Tools folder (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\VIP_Enterprise_Gateway\tools).
  3. Run the following command:
    • Windows: vipdiagnostic.bat --LogLevel DEBUG
    • Linux: --LogLevel DEBUG

Observe the results:

Status results are displayed as N/A, Success, Info, Warning, Error, or Failed.
In this example, the VIP EG has lost all connectivity to the VIP cloud:

Output file: 

\VIP_Enterprise_Gateway\logs\vipDiagnostic.log (attach this file to your VIP support case)

Command line options:

  • Windows: vipdiagnostic.bat [option] [--LogFile file] [--LogLevel level]
  • Linux: [option] [--LogFile file] [--LogLevel level]

--LogLevel  INFO is default. Option: INFO, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR.
--LogFile  <INSTALL DIR>/logs/vipDiagnostic.log (default). 

--All (This is the default option. Runs all tests except the loop test.)
--LDAP (LDAP Connectivity test from IdPs and LDAP Sync modules, LDAP Connectivity test from Validation server modules)
--Cloud (Certificate Validation, Proxy Connection testing, Server time validation, Cloud connectivity from IdPs and LDAP Sync modules, IP resolution, VIP Health Check service validation, 
Cloud connectivity from Validation servers to
--Misc (Certificate Validation, Proxy Connection testing, Syslog server connection test, LiveUpdate server connection test, VIP Tunnel tests, Delegation Server tests, Mail Server tests, TLS certificate tests, CA certificate store tests)
--Loop [--LoopCount count] (Run the Cloud and LDAP connectivity tests in a loop. The loop count can be set with a LoopCount switch. The default value is 10. Example:

Additional Information

Using the VIP Diagnostic Utility