How do you sync a data source through REST?
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How do you sync a data source through REST?


Article ID: 14686


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


What is the procedure for syncing a data source through a REST client?


Any CAPM environment


First, put the following URL into a web browser to get the data source id's:



This would be an example:




<name>Data Aggregator@HOST</name>





Now, from a REST client do the following:

  1. Go to the Auth tab and log in as the admin user with "Basic" credentials
  2. Change the "HTTP Method" to "Put"
  3. Add the following URL into the local bar: http://<pc>:8181/pc/center/webservice/datasources/dataSourceId/3/false 
  4. Run the REST call

This will do an incremental sync of the Data Aggregator data source.  The id number will change based on the data source

Additional Information

In the URL: http://<pc>:8181/pc/center/webservice/datasources/dataSourceId/3/false 

  • false = incremental sync
  • true = full sync