For package output shipping, does endevor need to be installed at the remote site?
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For package output shipping, does endevor need to be installed at the remote site?


Article ID: 14672


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


For package output shipping, does endevor need to be installed at the remote site?


Component: ENDBAS


Endevor is not required to be installed at the remote site. All endevor processing is done at the local site.The processing done at the remote site (the "remote copy job") only runs system utilities like IEBCOPY or IEBGENER.

The only requirement is that JES2 allows a job to be submitted at the remote site but be executed at the local site, for example, by specifying a /*ROUTE XEQ statement in the jobcard.

This is because the last step in the remote copy job submits (by writing it to the MVS internal reader) a job (the remote confirmation job) which updates endevor with the outcome of the copy process. This job is submitted at the remote site but MUST run at the local site, which is achieved by the ROUTE statement in the jobcard.

That jobcard is specified by the user in the package shipment menu panel (panelid C1SP9000). This jobcard is also used in the 'main' shipment job.