Does CA XCOM support zEDC Hardware Compression?
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Does CA XCOM support zEDC Hardware Compression?


Article ID: 14657


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Does CA XCOM r12.0 support zEDC Hardware Compression?


XCOM r12.0 for z/OS


We have added support for the zEDC Hardware Compression facility to CA XCOM r12.0 for z/OS. The support is made General Available via PTF RO96344 Support for Z/EDC HARDWARE BASED COMPRESSION.

To utilize this feature, you must use one of the ZLIBx family of compression algorithms and meet system configured minimum buffer sizes. This necessitates the use of PACKing in every case where the subject files's LRECL is less than the configured minimum.

For more requirements please refer to Utilizing zEDC Hardware Accelerator.