Does Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 12.0 require Java 8.0?
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Does Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 12.0 require Java 8.0?


Article ID: 14643


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Mainframe Application Tuner


Does Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) 12.0 require Java 8.0?


Component: MATUNE


In the MAT 12.0 installation guide there is:

The MAT Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides a graphical workstation-based interface for use with the MAT product.  Mainframe support consists of a MAT Web Server to provide interface support to various MAT mainframe facilities.  This server consists of three files that support running a job in z/OS UNIX System Services (USS).  The MAT Web server requires 64-bit IBM Java 8.0.

It is not recommend that one tries to go ahead with the installation with a previous version of Java, like Java 7.1, because it does look mandatory to use Java 8.

Java 8 is required because it is the requirement for RAP.