When logging into Web Administrator from the browser getting "Error: Invalid DN Syntax invalid DN", how can I address this error?
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When logging into Web Administrator from the browser getting "Error: Invalid DN Syntax invalid DN", how can I address this error?


Article ID: 14615


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC


When logging into Web Administrator from the browser getting "Error: Invalid DN Syntax invalid DN", how can I address this error?


Component: TSSWEB


The "Error: Invalid DN Syntax invalid DN" can be caused by an invalid suffix coded in the ACF2_config.xml or TSS_config.XML, specifically no "host=" specified in the ldapsuffix statement.

Sample ldapsuffix statement:


Note that the host=yourhostname_im,o=company,c=us specified in the ACF2_config.xml or TSS_config.XML file must match the "suffix" that is specified in the CA LDAP Server slapd.conf file.