CA Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS - MVS:JES2 interface modulesof the product
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CA Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS - MVS:JES2 interface modulesof the product


Article ID: 14586


Updated On:


Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS Fast Check for DB2 for z/OS Fast Index for DB2 for z/OS Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS


CA Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS - JES2 interface modules 

We are planing to migrate Z/OS V1R12 to Z/OS V2R1 in our account. 

Does the product have any JES2 interface modules in 

the current Z/OS(1.12) that needs to be reassembled before migrating to the new Z/OS(2.1)?


z/os db2


No current requirement for PFU and the JES2 interface 

to need modules from the current Z/OS(1.12) that need to be reassembled before migrating to the new Z/OS(2.1).