Where is information about approvers and approver groups held?
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Where is information about approvers and approver groups held?


Article ID: 14560


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Where is information about approvers and approver groups held?


Component: ENDBAS


The information about endevor approvers and approver groups is held in the MCF files, in the package dataset and, optionally, in the RACF database, as follows:

  • The definition of an approver group is stored in the MCF file
  • For internal approver groups, the list of approvers in the group is also stored in the MCF file
  • For external approver groups, the list of approvers is stored in the RACF database
  • When a package is cast, endevor determines the list of approvers for the package based on the inventory areas affected by the actions contained in the package and the approver groups defined for them.
  • Once a package is cast, its list of approvers is stored in the package file