Getting the following error message when testing the NetOps Spectrum install on Windows platform:
C:\Users\spectrum\Desktop\Spectrum_10.\sdic>sdicnt.exe -h ..\hostargs.txt -p ..\password.txt -test
CA Spectrum Distributed Install Client
Subject to SPECTRUM license agreements enclosed with this software.
This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software,
in whole or in part.
spectro-1.xxxx: Creating installation log: LOGS_20200204/spectro-1.<domain name> 16.38
spectro-1.xxxx: Starting Test
spectro-1.xxxx: Skipping Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Environment due to already installed!
spectro-1.xxxx: Skipping Visual C++ 2013 x64 Runtime Environment due to already installed!
spectro-1.xxxx: Checking registry privileges
spectro-1.xxxx: Skipping Visual C++ 2013 x32 Runtime Environment on spectro-1.<domain name> due to already installed!
spectro-1.xxxx: Skipping Visual C++ 2013 x64 Runtime Environment on spectro-1.<domain name> due to already installed!
spectro-1.xxxx: SPC-INT-20049: Insufficient privileges on spectro-1.<domain name> to create registry entries.
spectro-1.xxxx: You can either turn off User Access Control (UAC) on or use the spectro-1.<domain name> user for Administrator authentication.
spectro-1.xxxx: Test complete
All tests complete
Release: Any
To solve this problem turn off the UAC component on the Windows server where NetOps Spectrum is being installed.
Details are provided in the following section of the NetOps Spectrum documentation
User Account Control (UAC)To install DX NetOps Spectrum as a user other than Administrator, User Account Control (UAC) must be turned off. UAC is a Windows security component that prompts you for permission when a task requires administrator privileges.
During DX NetOps Spectrum installation, the installation user is elevated to an administrator in DX NetOps Spectrum Remote Administration (SRAdmin). UAC would then need to prompt the user for permission, which is not possible because SRAdmin is a non-interactive service. Disabling UAC allows the installation to run continuously.
Disabling UAC is required for CA Spectrum installation as a user other than Administrator only. After installation and during normal CA Spectrum operation, UAC can be enabled