I am running the CA Data Content Discovery Jobs and getting an Abend with Codes U4080 and CEE05101, how do I address the abend?
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I am running the CA Data Content Discovery Jobs and getting an Abend with Codes U4080 and CEE05101, how do I address the abend?


Article ID: 14457


Updated On:


Data Content Discovery


I am running the CA Data Content Discovery Jobs and getting an Abend with Codes U4080 and CEE05101, how do I address the abend?


Component: DCD


Any CA Data Content Discovery job that executes a Java program or a program that invokes UNIX System Services (USS) requires a user ID that contains an OMVS segment. If the user ID does not contain an OMVS segment, during initialization the job abends with code U4080 and reason code CEE05101. 

This error might have occurred for one of the following reasons:

The user account that ran the failing CA Data Content Discovery job was not defined correctly. Verify that the definition of the user ID that experienced the failure contains attribute values for UID, GROUP, HOME, and OMVSPGM. 

In the security configuration job (FEYACF, FEYTSS, or FEYRACF), verify that all the commands that are used to define the CA Data Content Discovery started task IDs completed successfully.

For a started task, the security environment might not be associating the started task name with the correct user account. In the security configuration job (FEYACF, FEYTSS, or FEYRACF), verify that all the commands executed successfully and that the started task names and user IDs in the commands match the started task names and user IDs that are actually being used.