Where can I find the trace data for a type 4 JDBC connection?
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Where can I find the trace data for a type 4 JDBC connection?


Article ID: 14447


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Datacom DATACOM - AD


In order to debug problems on type 4 JDBC connections, sometimes CA Support asks for a trace on the client side of CA Datacom Server, for example adding a Trace=3 parameter to the JDBC connection string.

My connection string now contains a Trace parameter but I cannot find any trace file on the client. Where are the trace data?


Type 4 JDBC application running on Windows, UNIX/Linux or USS


The trace data for type 4 JDBC connections are stored on the mainframe side. For each type 4 connection that it’s traced, a separate trace file is dynamically allocated by Datacom Server STC (or job) with DD name T4Annnnn, where nnnnn is the connection number.

Additional Information

See “z/OS Startup JCL Control Statements” section of Datacom Server documentation for details on T4Annnnn files.