Broadcom case management frequently asked questions
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Broadcom case management frequently asked questions


Article ID: 144456


Updated On:


Support Portal


Frequently asked questions for creating and managing cases on the Broadcom Support portal.



Creating a support case

To create a support case, use one of the following options:

Note: Creating cases requires a valid Support Site ID.

Customizing views on the case management portal

Edit the view on the case management portal to apply filters or customize columns. See Creating and customizing case views on the Broadcom case management portal.

Note: The default case view is not editable and will be grayed out.

Viewing closed cases

To view closed cases on the Broadcom case management portal, create a new view and filter by closed cases. See Creating and customizing case views on the Broadcom case management portal.

Updating or adding comments to an existing case

You can update an existing case or add case comments through the Broadcom case management portal

The Unified History and Comments tabs are available at the bottom of the page. Upon submission, a notification is sent to the assigned engineer with an update.

Attaching files to cases

Files can be attached using the file attachment option available within the case on the Broadcom Support portal. To upload or attach the files to a case, see Uploading files to cases on the Broadcom Support portal.

Case attachment size limits

There is no size limit for attaching a file to a case.

Changing the severity of a case

To change the severity of a case, log in to the Broadcom case management portal, locate the case, and click the pen icon beside the severity field. If you need assistance to change the severity, please follow steps on: How to change the severity of the case using Case Management?



Escalating a case

If the criticality of your case changes, you can update the severity level either through the Broadcom Support portal or by discussing it with the engineer handling your issue.

If you have a concern about whether your service levels are being met, use the Raise Concern button to notify Broadcom Support Management about your need for increased attention, rather than simply changing the severity level.

Note: This is not intended for Severity 1 escalation.

See Raising Concerns to escalate a case on the Broadcom Support Portal for more details.

Cannot find a case

You may be unable to see a specific case due to one of the following:

  • One's email address must be added to the case contact to view this case under the "My cases" tab on the Broadcom case management portal.
  • To view the cases opened by colleagues, please click on the "All Cases" tab next to the My Cases tab.
  • Make sure the case views and filters have been set correctly, depending on the status of the case.

Note: Ensure that the email address updated on the case is a registered email address. If not registered, see Registering for an account on the Broadcom Support portal and communities.

Viewing the case timeline

To view the timeline for a case by going to the case itself and then clicking Unified History in the left menu.

Adding an alternate contact to be copied on case communications

Add up to three email addresses as alternates to a case. See Adding alternative case contacts on the Broadcom Support portal.

Re-opening closed cases

Once a case is closed, it cannot be re-opened. If necessary, we recommend creating a new case and referencing the old case number.

Closing a case

To request case closure, see Request case closure on the Broadcom case management portal.

Note:  This will not close the case. Instead, a notification is sent to have a Broadcom support engineer review and close the case.

Updating contact numbers

To update your contact number:

  1. Login to
  2. In the upper menu under your name, click My Profile.
  3. Click Edit, update contact information, and click Save. Changes will also appear on the Case Management Profile page as well. 

Updating Work Location on Wolken

To update work location on Case Management portal:

  • Click on initials at the top right corner of "Case Management Portal"

  • Update the "Work Location" field to set the region for your desired support business hours.

  • Once the Work location is set on Wolken, all new cases created will be supported during the working hours of per "Work Location"


Change "Work Location" after it is set the first time

  • Work Location can be changed any number of times by following the same steps under: "Updating Work Location on Wolken" above

Will changing "Work Location" after a case is created change supported hours on that case?

  • No. Once the case is created with "Work Location", it cannot be changed on the existing case.
  • Any new cases created after work location is changed, will have new supported hours matching the working hours set on Wolken.

Difference between "Work Location" and "Time Zone" on Case Management portal

  • "Work Location" will set supported hours on a case.
  • Whereas "Time zone" should be set to the local time zone to view "Date/Time Created" or "Last updated" on a case.

Additional Information

 If any further assistance, contact Broadcom Customer Care