Setting up WINSCP as a TCP/UDP PAM Service
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Setting up WINSCP as a TCP/UDP PAM Service


Article ID: 144432


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


PAM allows the inclusion of several applications as TCP/UDP Services to be invoked from within its environment and control the access to the devices through these applications.
This document explains how to add WINSCP as a PAM service.


Component: Privileged Access Management
Version:  4.0.x, 4.1.0


WinSCP can be added to PAM as a TCP/UDP Service.
To do so, fill up the fields in the TCP/UDP service definition window with the following information, assuming WinSCP is installed under C:\Program Files (x86):
  Service Name: _WINSCP
  Local IP: (the last byte can be other than 222, choose the proper one in your system)
  Port(s): 22:*
  Protocol: TCP
  Enable: <selected>
  Application Protocol: SSH
  File Transfer: <selected>
  Client Application: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" sftp://<User>@<Local IP>:<First Port> /sessionname=<Device Name>
  or if you want to use scp than:
  Client Application: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" scp://<User>@<Local IP>:<First Port> /sessionname=<Device Name>

Just like it is shown in the following screenshot (the 'Comment' field contains the full command for readability, as the 'Client Application' field is not showing the full contents):