Error message TN5132E - Neither ERBSMFI or CX10GVID could be loaded - DA cmd disabled.
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Error message TN5132E - Neither ERBSMFI or CX10GVID could be loaded - DA cmd disabled.


Article ID: 14374


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


Got a TN5132E in the Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) Log.


Neither ERBSMFI or CX10GVID could be loaded - DA cmd disabled 


During Open/CA Mainframe Application Tuner initialization, ERBSMFI or CX10GIVD are preloaded to improve the response time of the DA command. This message indicates that neither could be loaded. 


DA command is disabled and will not display data. 

Check the server Job Log for messages from LOAD indicating why neither load module could be preloaded. Normally, this is caused either by insufficient private storage in the server or because neither ERBSMFI or CX10GVID are in the system link-list. 


Component: MATUNE


Some functionality of Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) requires the ERBSMFI load module. 

Load module ERBSMFI is in SYS1.SERBLINK library, but the RMF has to be activated on the LPAR for the DA command work properly.
All RMF load modules reside in the two libraries SYS1.SERBLINK and SYS1.SERBLPA. If you are activating RMF for the first time, you have to define these libraries as APF authorized libraries. You can choose to do it either with or without an IPL.

To activate RMF with an IPL:

Add the SERBLINK library to the link list
Add the SERBLINK library to the APF list
Add the SERBLPA library to the LPA list
IPL the system
To activate RMF without an IPL:

Add the SERBLINK library to a dynamic link list
Change the APF format to dynamic, if it is not already dynamic
Add the SERBLINK library to the dynamic APF list
Add the SERBLPA library to Dynamic LPA
Issue SETPROG commands to make the changes effective