How can I chain PTFS when downloading Netmaster fixes from support online?
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How can I chain PTFS when downloading Netmaster fixes from support online?


Article ID: 14369


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CMDB for z/OS NetSpy Network Performance NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


When downloading fixes, necessary prereques are often missing. It is tedious and time consuming to download the required fixes then manually work backwards to locate all required fixes in a given prereque chain. This document supplies an easy alternative.


How can I chain PTFS when downloading Netmaster fixes from support online?


Netmaster Suite releases 12.0 and higher


1.      Go to Support Online and login.

2.      Put your cursor over the Download Center arrow.

3. Select Download Solutions

4. Select the product, release, components, genlevel and Results per page, then click GO.
    Under Components, be sure to include Unicenter Netmaster Management Services along with the
    products you have installed.  Management Services is the base code that underlies and supports
    common  functionality, so is used by every Netmaster product.

 5. Select the PTFs you wish to apply by checking the Add to Cart box next to each one.

    Then click on ‘View Download Cart

6. Verify you have all the fixes you want and click on Checkout

7. Set the ‘Do you want a complete package for all?’ selection to YES.  This is what will enable chaining
    back through all prereques.

   Be sure to select the correct genlevel – it takes the latest by default. 
   Be sure you select a genelvel that will chain back far enough to get all prereques that may be missing
   on your system.

   Genlevel 0000 is the original Netmaster Suite GA product package from 2012.
   Genlevel 1507 includes all PTFs through July 2015.

8. Continue on as normal – when your download is ready, you will receive an email notification and this screen:

9. Download the resulting Zip file to your PC. When you view the file content, you will note that additional
    prereque PTFs are included:

10. Upload the fixes to your mainframe in binary with FB 80 and RECEIVE and APPLY according to your
      standard procedures.