Jaspersoft connection issues post DB refresh - Configuring Jaspersoft integration successfully
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Jaspersoft connection issues post DB refresh - Configuring Jaspersoft integration successfully


Article ID: 143485


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are seeing the following errors/issues connecting to your Jaspersoft Report Server after refreshing your Clarity Database (DB) non-prod environment. You need help configuring the Clarity Jaspersoft Integration.

  1. Entering Advanced Reporting you see error:

    Error 401 - User not registered  ERROR - User is not registered on the reporting server.

  2. Unsuccessful in getting the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job to complete. Error:

    Failed to get an instance of ClarityJasperAdmin :: Exception getting ClarityJasperAdmin : Unauthorized access to http://<jaspersoft hostname>:8080/reportservice with username ppmjasperadmin

  3. Load Data Warehouse job fails. Error: 

    Could not login to Jaspersoft, domains could not get updated for customizations


Clarity On-Premise


We recommend consulting with your On-Premise Clarity administrator or Infrastructure team to coordinate the existing Jaspersoft server installation and database to configure the Clarity Jaspersoft Integration.

How to resolve general Jaspersoft errors/connection issues:

  1. Identify where on your organizational network is the Jaspersoft Report Server to integrate with Clarity. Look specifically for the web URL for the JasperReports Server (for example, http://<jaspersoft-hostname>:8080/reportservice)
  2. In CSA:
    1. Click Servers in the left navigation pane
    2. Click the name of the local server in the list.
    3. With the Properties tab selected, click the Reporting subtab.
    4. In the Report Server: Jaspersoft section, complete the integration as per the documentation JasperReports Server Post-Installation Configuration to guide you through the process. (See section:Configure the JasperReports Server Properties)
  3. For questions on how to configure your recent database refresh and Clarity Jaspersoft Integration visit our knowledge base techdocs.broadcom.com or reach out to our user community community.broadcom.com.

    See also: