Does DATAQUERY create an SQL Plan for an SQL-Mode query? If so, does that plan persist past the execution of the query?
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Does DATAQUERY create an SQL Plan for an SQL-Mode query? If so, does that plan persist past the execution of the query?


Article ID: 14310


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Datacom DATACOM - AD


Does Dataquery create a PLAN in DATA-DICT for a Dataquery online execution? 

If so,does that PLAN persist past the execution of the query?



z/OS z/VSE CA Dataquery


Yes, an SQL PLAN is created and is deleted when you sign off from Dataquery .

In CICS, the plan name is DQ +termid +P  .

You can override some default PLAN options if you like .



Additional Information

See the CA Dataquery Administration Guide  '  SQL Plan Options'  here if you want to override default PLAN options.