What is the purpose of the /DELAGNT command?
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What is the purpose of the /DELAGNT command?


Article ID: 14297


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


What is the purpose and when to use the /DELAGNT command?


The CA7AGNT VSAM file, also known as the agent information file, contains information returned from the CA Workload Automation agents when a job has been executed.

The information includes last status of job information and other data required to retrieve more job information from the CA WA Agent. The information retained in this file about the agent jobs is displayed through the AGFILE command. The AGFILE command can also retrieve data from the CA WA Agent, such as spool files.

The /DELAGNT command is used to remove old entries from the CA7AGNT vsam file. The command should be done routinely to ensure the file does not fill up. We recommend you schedule a batch terminal job (BTI) to run at least once a week and issue the /DELAGNT command.  Depending on the volume of agent jobs that run, your may have to schedule the BTI even more.  Run this BTI job at you lowest agent job processing time.