Are site certificate issues shown in ASM?
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Are site certificate issues shown in ASM?


Article ID: 14270


Updated On:


CA App Synthetic Monitor


 Does ASM show problems with a site's certificate? If so - how do you configure ASM to implement this?


Release: APMCMB99000-8.3-App Synthetic Monitor-Basic Option


  HTTPS monitors will show problems with certificates - but only when properly configured.

   To implement this:

-Create or edit an existing HTTPS monitor.

-Click on 'More Options'

-Under 'Options' check the option to "Verify Certificate".



Additional Information

The Verify Certificate Option allows detection of invalid SSL/TLS certificates on the target host, as well as hostname mismatches, invalid trust paths and expiry dates on the certificate.

When this option is enabled, then the expiry date of the server's SSL certificate is checked periodically. Warning messages will be sent starting 30 days before the certificate expiry date.

Note: This option is only available with encrypted connections.