CA Directory Password Storage hashing method - additional information
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CA Directory Password Storage hashing method - additional information


Article ID: 142618


Updated On:


CA Directory


Q1 What is the underlying HMAC algorithm employed by PBKDF

Q2  What are the values of the non-configurable parameters?

Q3 How do the configuration parameter of CA Directory (for expl.:pbkdf2-iterations) map to them?


CA Directory 14.x


Q1 What is the underlying HMAC algorithm employed by PBKDF
A1 As confirmed by Engineering, we are using SHA1 algorithm within pbkdf2 - it is not configurable

Q2  What are the values of the non-configurable parameters?
Some of the default values are provided in the link

The complete list is

                Pseudo Random Function: HMAC-SHA1
                Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
                Number of iterations: specified with set pbkdf2-iterations command
                Bit-length of the derived key: specified with set pbkdf2-digest-length command (default 128)

                Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
                Number of iterations: specified with set pbkdf-iterations command.
                Bit-length of the derived key: fixed length 24 byte

                Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
                costFactor: 512
                blocksizeFactor: 8
                ParallelizationFactor: specified with set pbkdf-iterations command.
                DesiredKeyLen: specified with set pbkdf-digest-length command (default 128)

Q3 How do the configuration parameter of CA Directory (for expl.:pbkdf-iterations) map to them?
A3 The link contains the answers for this question under "Supporting Commands for the PBKDF2 Hashing Method" as well as "Supporting Commands for the bcrypt and scrypt Hashing Mechanisms"


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