Q1 What is the underlying HMAC algorithm employed by PBKDF
Q2 What are the values of the non-configurable parameters?
Q3 How do the configuration parameter of CA Directory (for expl.:pbkdf2-iterations) map to them?
CA Directory 14.x
Q1 What is the underlying HMAC algorithm employed by PBKDF
A1 As confirmed by Engineering, we are using SHA1 algorithm within pbkdf2 - it is not configurable
Q2 What are the values of the non-configurable parameters?
Some of the default values are provided in the link https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/layer7-identity-and-access-management/directory/14-0/reference/commands-reference/set-password-storage-command.html
The complete list is
Pseudo Random Function: HMAC-SHA1
Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
Number of iterations: specified with set pbkdf2-iterations command
Bit-length of the derived key: specified with set pbkdf2-digest-length command (default 128)
Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
Number of iterations: specified with set pbkdf-iterations command.
Bit-length of the derived key: fixed length 24 byte
Salt: random salt with length (in bits) specified with set salt-length command (default 128)
costFactor: 512
blocksizeFactor: 8
ParallelizationFactor: specified with set pbkdf-iterations command.
DesiredKeyLen: specified with set pbkdf-digest-length command (default 128)
Q3 How do the configuration parameter of CA Directory (for expl.:pbkdf-iterations) map to them?
A3 The link https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/layer7-identity-and-access-management/directory/14-0/reference/commands-reference/set-password-storage-command.html contains the answers for this question under "Supporting Commands for the PBKDF2 Hashing Method" as well as "Supporting Commands for the bcrypt and scrypt Hashing Mechanisms"