Executing Endevor BC1PNLIB to initialize ELIB VSAM datasets fails U0078
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Executing Endevor BC1PNLIB to initialize ELIB VSAM datasets fails U0078


Article ID: 142401


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Running BC1PNLIB to initialize ELIB VSAM datasets fails U0078 - this started after upgrading to Endevor 18.1


Release : 18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Beginning with Endevor 18.1, the ENUXSITE, C1DEFLTS, ENCOPTBL, and all USER EXITS  must be assembled or compiled and linked with the RENT attribute. 

   *** Note: A S0C4 Abend may occur if you execute an EXIT program that has been linked with a RENT attribute but the program has not been modified to be fully reentrant. 

-All Tables, Exits and API programs must reside in an APF-authorized.  If one of these modules comes from a non-authorized library, a U0078 Abend occurs.  The U0078 abend is accompanied by an eight-digit reason code, the first four digits of which indicate why the abend occured: 

     - ABEND=S000 U0078 REASON=00140000

       ENUXSITE was not found, or is missing from the APF Load Library. 

     - ABEND=S000 U0078 REASON=00180000

        C1DEFLTS was not found, or is missing from the APF Load Library 

     - ABEND=S000 U0078 REASON=001C0000

       C1DEFLTS was not linked with the RENT attribute.