How do you Apply a new DevTest License to an existing DevTest install?
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How do you Apply a new DevTest License to an existing DevTest install?


Article ID: 142061


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


How do you apply a new DevTest license to an existing DevTest install?


All Supported DevTest releases




Steps to apply new license:

1. Bring down all DevTest components (you do not need to bring down IAM) in this order: VSE, Simulator, Coordinator, Portal, Broker, Registry, Enterprise Dashboard.
2. Delete the lisatmp_x.x.x folder where you write out the logs.  This folder may have old license information cached.
3. The new devtestlic.xml file gets applied to the DEVTEST_HOME folder (will overlay your existing one) on the Enterprise Dashboard machine.
4. Start all DevTest components in this order: Enterprise Dashboard, Registry, Broker, Portal, Coordinator, Simulator, VSE.

where x.x.x is the version of DevTest being run.

Additional Information

Depending on the type of License Model you are on, <licenseModel>non</licenseModel> or <licenseModel>txn con</licenseModel>, you can apply the same license on multiple Enterprise Dashboard machines.

If the devtestlic.xml has this value, <licenseModel>non</licenseModel>, then you can use it on multiple machines with the Enterprise Dashboard.

If the devtestlic.xml has this value, <licenseModel>txn con</licenseModel>, it will be tied to a MAC address, then you can only use that license on the Enterprise Dashboard for that MAC address.  So if you are under the new License Model and have two Enterprise Dashboard machines, you will need two licenses.