Spectrum users are not created in Jasper until tomcat restart on Jasper system
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Spectrum users are not created in Jasper until tomcat restart on Jasper system


Article ID: 141666


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CA Spectrum


Spectrum users are not created in Jasper until tomcat restart on Jasper system


Release : Spectrum integrated with Jasper

Component : SPCJSP


The creation of users in Jasper is accomplished in the following two ways:

  1. When tomcat is restarted, the OneClick users are synced with the users in the reporting database.

  2. When a new user is created in OneClick, the 0x00010201 event is created. This event is sent to the reporting database and triggers the creation of the user model for Jasper.

If the user in Jasper is not being created until a restart of tomcat on the OneClick system, that is an indication the 0x00010201 event is not getting to the reporting database.


On the Spectrum Report Manager server (by default, this is located on the OneClick Server machine), check for the file: 


This will be located under the directory


and, if you have a customisation to SRM, then also check under;


Look for the <ignore> tag. If present, check for the following within it:


If present, remove the entry and then restart tomcat on the SRM system.