What are the currently supported versions of Java for Process Automation's Orchestrator?
Can we update to the latest 1.8.0_### JDK/JRE from Oracle?
Can we update to the open source AdoptOpenJDK platform?
Process Automation 4.3.X
Due to changes Oracle made to the security within the Java starting with JDK 1.8.0_202 and JRE 1.8.0_202 IT Process Automation has issues when attempting to run using any JDK or JRE newer than the 1.8.0_192 JDK OR 1.8.0_192 JRE. Issues include installation failures, multiple startup issues, agent connectivity problems, and other issues of varying levels of severity.
For 4.3 sp1 through 4.3 sp5 the most current ORACLE JDK and JRE that has not shown issues is1.8.0_192.
Starting with 4.3 Sp5 we have introduced support for AdoptOpenJDK: JDK Prerequisites Documentation
For 4.3 Sp5 we have confirmed up to AdoptOpenJDK version 1.8.0_265 allows the software to function without issue.
Please see How to verify, upgrade or change the Java JDK being used by Process Automation. for details on locating and changing your JDK version.